Sunday, January 26, 2014

Roasted Butternut squash + stir-fried veggies + rice

With temperatures dropping below -20 I've been craving meals that warm the heart as well as the kitchen. Here's a nice little combo...
Roasted butternut squash
1 butternut squash 
one whole garlic 
olive oil
maple syrup

Preheat oven to 375. Cut squash into 2 halves, rub with olive oil, place flesh side down on baking sheet. Cut tips off garlic, place on baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil. Bake for 40 minutes, taking garlic out after 30mins. Scoop out squash, squeeze out garlic, mix together. Add a drizzle of maple syrup.

Stir fried veggies
Olive oil
Beet stalks
Yellow pepper
Sea salt

Fry onion in olive oil for 5 mins, add garlic, beet stalks and mushrooms. Stir and fry for another 5 mins. Add remaining ingredients plus a splash of water. Cover and simmer for 3 mins.

Serve along side rice or your choice of grain.

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